
Good decisions based on solid Expertise.


We assist in effective and efficient plugging and abandonment (P&A) of oil and gas wells. Our diverse and long-term experience will help avoid costly mistakes and incidents. Good expertise enables everyone to have a head start and minimise the usual learning curve that many encounter in well P&A.

We work for…

E&P Operators | Joint-Venture Partners | Authorities |Industry Associations | Financial and Commercial specialists | Drilling and Wells  Managers | Well P&A Teams |Supply Chain| Business developers | Innovators |


Discover our range of services

Planning Strategies

Asset Strategy | Country Strategy | Execution Strategy

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Liability Estimates

Liabilities | Costs | Dispute Settlement

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Regulatory Services

Legislation | Guidelines | Risk Assessments

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Value Assurance & Assessments

Value Assurance | Review | Opportunities | Risk Minimalisation

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P&A Project Execution

P&A Project Execution | Team Assist | Value Assist | Technical Coaching

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Legacy and Leaking Wells

Risk Assessment | Remedial decisions

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Training for P&A Teams | Petroleum Engineers | Liability Estimation

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Innovations & New Business Development

Opportunities | New Business | Technology |

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What can we offer?

Well P&A Expertise BV can offer a wide range of services. Using our expertise will enable the delivery of effective and efficient well P&A projects and development of competitive services.

  • Developing P&A strategies
  • Regulations & Guidelines
  • Liability estimates/negotiations
  • P&A campaigns set-up and reviews
  • Well P&A designs
  • Project value assurance/assist
  • Effective Contracting options
  • Well Problem solving
  • Team assist
  • Training
  • Research & Innovations
  • Tool development

Tap into our expertise

Do you want to know what Well P&A Expertise BV can do to make your project better? Examine options of collaboration under How We Work and Contact us.