How we work

Well P&A Expertise provides a range of technical, organisational, HSE and legal advisory services covering plugging and abandonment of wells in accordance with high standards of competence and integrity, having due regard for the nature and purposes of the client.

Expertise forms and schemes

The expertise is provided to engineers, teams, managers, directors in various forms and schemes:

1. Hourly telephone consultancy, on topics ranging from P&A design, specific challenges, organisational set-up, campaign set up, business development, innovations, etc.. These can be arranged directly with Well P&A Expertise BV or through professional councils managed by Gerson Lehrman Group Inc (GLG).
Call-off agreements that allow ad-hoc calls are the preferred way, as most projects evolve when new information becomes available.

2. One or more days for on/off site consultancy, project assessment, Well P&A approaches, training, discussions, innovation, business development, decommissioning strategy. A daily rate applies with re-imbursable travel cost. Call-off agreements are a preferred way.

3. Defined work package resulting in a report or presentation, covering for instance review of designs, campaign set-up. These can be off-site or mix of onsite/offsite and the defined scope is delivered at a fixed fee.

4. Larger assignments can be contracted through partners like DNV in which case Well P&A Expertise BV will perform as a sub-contractor.

Other schemes can be agreed. Terms and conditions apply. A non-disclosure agreement and mutual indemnity agreement is part of the agreement.

Terms and requirements

A Formal Service Request from a client is required prior to commencement of an assignment on the basis of which specified invoices will be submitted to client.

We provide expertise to clients internationally except for generally embargoed countries (GEC).

We will conduct our services in a professional manner with integrity and will observe laws, rules and regulations. Respect for people and the environment are core values. We foster diversity in ideas and talents and will protect health and well-being. We strive to minimise the environmental impact of our service. Our work will be impartial and independent. Information will be handled in a manner that protects the interests of the company and clients. We are committed to transparency, openness and accuracy in communications, in so far as confidentiality agreements with clients allow.