Legacy and leaking wells


The presence of old abandoned wells (legacy wells) in an area can cause risks to area development plans, both at surface and subsurface. Furthermore, inappropriately abandoned wells can cause hazards and environmental contamination. Such wells need a risk assessment as a minimum and often remedial work by re-entering the well. 

Remedial work for poorly P&A’d wells

A decision to re-enter a poorly abandoned well or to accept the situation, should not be taken lightly. The impact of a poorly abandoned well should be balanced with the complexities of remedial operations. We can assist in the decision making, as well as providing expertise for the well re-entry and remedial work.

Risk assessment of legacy wells

Previously abandoned wells are often the Achilles’ heel of plans for surface or subsurface re-use, such as for instance infrastructure plans, buildings, geothermal, storage, carbon dioxide sequestration, groundwater extraction, etc..  The state of old abandoned wells in the vicinity need to be assessed for risks to ensure successful projects. We offer quality assurance and fresh-eye reviews which can be very helpful for the assessment of remaining risks posed by abandoned wells.