P&A Project Execution

We can provide Team Assists and technical coaching to maximise value during various stages of preparation and execution of well P&A campaigns. Our input can cover campaigns and integrated projects, feasibility, concepts, design of individual well abandonments, execution, challenges and surprises encountered. Apply what others have learned.

Setting-up and preparing campaigns

Well P&A Expertise can help with defining and setting up a well P&A campaign. We can also assist with optimising P&A designs and concepts.

Applying the right contracting strategy and engaging the supply chain is an important element of setting up a campaign. There are several forms of contractual agreements, but in all cases a comprehensive package of services must be contracted.

Upfront agreed Key Performance Indicators (KPI) will drive performance of teams to achieve the company’s objectives of the operations. We can assist defining such KPI’s.

Value assist during execution

We provide many years of experience in well P&A to assist teams and maximise value during execution of campaigns. There is never a dull day during the execution of a well P&A. Good planning goes a certain distance, but (nasty) surprises remain.

We offer assistance in problem solving and (technical) sparring with an execution team’s on proposals and options. P&A teams much appreciate the opportunity to discuss their plans with an external expert.

This service normally takes the form of regular scheduled (Skype) calls at mutually agreed times, or possible ad-hoc calls.